Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sept 23

·         This was my second day and I was still getting familiar with everything in the classroom and school. I spent a whole day in the classroom. After lunch the students were having map testing which would take from 1:30 to 2:40. Because of map testing, the morning was very hectic because Mrs. D was trying to cram everything in or at least make sure the students knew what their homework was over the weekend because she did not know how much time they would have at the end of the day to fill out their planners. During the map testing, I was advised that I could not help the students, only repeat words and possibly give them a different meaning. I really saw who the struggling students are during this test and that are use to receiving help. They almost constantly had their hands up and I heard them say numerous times they could not do it. Also, I saw who the gifted/talented students are because they never asked for help and was done within a half hour. Mrs. D did a great job of telling me who they were just so I could watch and observe them. My case study student did not do very well on the map testing because she just did not want to do it. She wanted their Para with them constantly and the Para couldn’t help and this really bothered her. She constantly wanted to go to the bathroom, or get a drink and not work. Finally she got  settled, and she just rushed through the test and was done before anyone else. After the test Mrs. D told me that they are unsure what she exactly has, but that this was a good day. They do not know what she has because she is very smart. She is very artistic; probably the best in the entire class and loves doing art. She also is smart in subjects, if she takes her time. It is very hard for her to sit still and also refrain from blurting out comments or constantly asking questions. According to the map test she is in the middle of her class, so she is smart. After map testing class was over, but I stayed after and discussed her with Mrs. D.

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