Thursday, November 17, 2011

Monday, Sept. 21

My first day of the practicum was today in a 5th grade classroom. I am going to name my cooperating teacher Mrs. D and will address her as that for the rest of the blog. When I arrived at the classroom, the students had just finished their snack break and now were starting literacy. On this particular day, Mrs. D had reserved the library during their literacy time because they would be having school pictures at 11:45 a.m. So right away we went to the library and the kids showed me the books and which ones they like to read. They also showed me this computer system that lists all the books and where they are located. Therefore, if the students are struggling to find a book, they can go to the computer and see if the library has it. Right after we arrived at the library, the picture ladies came in and said they were ready for the 5th graders to take pictures. They were running 30 minutes early and wanted to get the pictures in. I saw firsthand how important decision making is with this scenario because these students could not get into the library last week, and it was booked the rest of the week. Mrs. D politely told them that they would like to keep their normal time and that her students really needed the library. I thought this was a good decision and really saw that students are the number one priority, even when it comes to library times!
After the library and pictures the students went to lunch. During lunch, Mrs. D gave me a tour of the school, staff room, and lounge. The school is bigger than what I am use to and what I grew up in. There are four 5th grade classrooms, whereas in my 5th grade classroom growing up there was only 21 of us total! After lunch, the students back and she did a read aloud. During the read aloud the students are free to do whatever they want that is quiet. I thought this was strange because their full attention was not on her and I thought they were not paying attention. But, she would stop and ask comprehension questions and they all knew the answers and at the end of the 15 minutes they all wanted her to keep reading. So they were listening and it was something to keep them occupied and also to see that reading was fun. During the read aloud I noticed one student was acting different than the other students. She was pacing around the room, would not follow directions, and blurted out words when it was quiet time. I later asked Mrs. D and she said that the student has severe ADHD and possibly could have Asperger’s syndrome. This student will now become my case study and I want to watch she actions very closely. They ended the day with science, talking about weather. My first day went very well and I really like Mrs. D and the 5th grade class.

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